Pawnee City Council
Regular Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 20th 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Hall
City official filing notice: Name: Alice Cottle Title: Mayor
Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058 Phone: 918.762.2658
Posted at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. on the 16th day of February , 2024 and filed in the office of the City Clerk
Signed:_Alice Cottle___________________________, Mayor
1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.
2. Invocation and Flag Salute
3. Consider appearances from the public.
4. Consent Agenda (A-K) All matters listed under “Consent” are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Council member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. It will then be considered separately.
A) Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.
B) Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the General Fund purchase order list including but not limited to any purchase orders associated with the General Fund such as 911, Street and Alley, Flag, Donation, Grant Expenditures, etc.
C) Discuss, consider and take action to approve a quote for ESO for reporting software in the amount of $3,940.00 for the Pawnee Fire Department.
D) Discuss, consider and take action to approve the agreement by and between the City of Pawnee and the Pawnee Summer Ball Association for FY March-July 2024 in the amount of $3,000.00
E) Discuss, consider and take action to approve the City of Pawnee and Chamber of Commerce agreement for FY 2023-24 in the amount of $7999. 92.
F) Discuss, consider and take action to approve to apply for the AARP Flagship Grant.
G) Discuss, consider and take action to approve to apply for the AARP Capacity Building Grant.
H) Discuss, consider and take action to approve to apply for the AARP Demonstration Grant.
I) Discuss, consider and take action to approve to apply for the T-Mobile Hometown Grant.
J) Discuss, consider and take action to approve to apply for the Oklahoma Forestry Services Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant.
K) Discuss, consider and take action to approve Ordinance No. 1187 “An Ordinance Amending Section 9.203 of Chapter 9 of the Pawnee City Code Providing For Ambulance Fees and Declaring an Emergency.”
5. Discuss, consider and take action to approve a purchase order for J&J Custom Fire in the amount of $2,201.43.
6. Discuss, consider and take action to approve a variance for 714 Denver in regards to installation of privacy fence.
6. Discuss, consider and take action to approve Road Dedication agreement.
7. Discuss, consider and take action to approve a cost sharing agreement with Black Mountain Energy Storage and the City of Pawnee.
Discuss, consider and take action to approve City of Pawnee Road Development contract addendum.
8. Discuss, consider and take action to approve the purchase of a AmeriSpreader Chip Spreader in the amount of $7,950.00
9. Discuss, consider and take action to approve the purchase of an oil distributer truck (paving equipment) in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00.
10. Discuss, consider and take action to approve the purchase of an excavator in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00.
11. Discuss, consider and take action to approve the purchase of a skid steer in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00.
12. Presentation and Discussion with Jeremy Springer with the Springer Company.
13. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.
14. Consider Council Members’ Reports, Mayor’s Report, and Department Reports.
15. Adjourn
Pawnee Public Works Authority
Regular Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 20th 2024
Time: 6:15 p.m. (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)
Place: City Hall
To be completed by person filing notice:
Name: Alice Cottle
Title: Chairman
Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058
Phone: 918.762.2658
Posted at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. on the 16th day of February, 2024 and filed in the office of the City Clerk
Signed: __Alice Cottle__________________________, Mayor
1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.
2. Consider appearances from the public.
3. Consent Agenda (A-G) All matters listed under “Consent” are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Council member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. It will then be considered separately.
A) Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.
B) Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular PPWA purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Public Works Authority such as bond funds, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, note payments, etc.
C) Discuss, consider and take action to approve a quote from Haynes Equipment in the amount of $6,438.85 for a magmeter for the Water Treatment Plant.
D) Discuss, consider and take action to approve a quote from Hach Services for a yearly field partnership in the amount of $3,000.00.
E) Discuss, consider and take action to approve Form 271 with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund in the amount of $79,270.00.00 which includes fees for the Engineering of 8th Street Lift Station, Engineering WWTP, Inspection of WWTP and Survey and Staking WWTP.
F) Discuss, consider and take action to enter a mutual aid agreement with soonerWARN.
G) Discuss, consider and take action to approve Short Form Agreement with Cimarron Valley Engineering, LLC for US 64 Sewer Main Utility Relocation J/P 20314(06) Utilites, STP-159A UT project.
4. Discuss, consider and take action to a purchase order for J & J Custom Fire in the amount of $147.71.
5. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.
6. Consider Trustees’ Reports, Chairperson’s Report, and Department Reports.
7. Adjourn.
Pawnee Industrial Authority
Regular Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 20th 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the Pawnee Public Works Authority)
Place: City Hall
To be completed by person filing notice:
Name: Alice Cottle
Title: Chairman
Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058
Phone: 918.762.2658
Posted at City Hall at 5:45p.m. on the 16th day of February, 2024 and filed in the office of the City Clerk
Signed: __Alice Cottle__________________________, Mayor
1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.
2. Consider appearances from the public.
3. Consent Agenda (A) All matters listed under “Consent” are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Council member may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. It will then be considered separately.
A) Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Discuss, consider and take action to approve Road Dedication agreement.
5. Discuss, consider and take action to approve to moving industrial authority funds in the amount of $167, 950.00 to the general fund to purchase equipment to be used by the Pawnee Street Department, Public Works Authority, Park and Rec and Code Enforcement for the purpose of community development and city maintenance.
9. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.
10. Consider Trustees’ Reports, Chairperson’s Report, and Department Reports.
11. Adjourn.