October 3rd, 2022 Meeting Agendas


Pawnee City Council

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, October 3rd

Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Hall

City official filing notice: Name: Alice Cottle Title: Mayor

Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058 Phone: 918.762.2658

Posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on the 30th day of September, 2022 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed:____________________________, Mayor

PAWNEE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, September 30th, 2022

1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.

2. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the General Fund purchase order list including but not limited to any purchase orders associated with the General Fund such as 911, Street and Alley, Flag, Donation, grant expenditures, etc.

4. Consider appearances from the public.

5. Presentation by Josh Rhodes with discussion, consideration and possible action to enter an agreement with The Garland Company, Inc.

6. Discuss, consider, and possible action to accept CBDW audit engagement letter for FY22.

7. Discuss, consider and possible action to accept a bid on the abatement demolition of property located at Lot 16 (185×105) 1.00 Lot, Block 3, PAW REEVES RIDGE (2010 Misti Lane), City of Pawnee, Pawnee County, State of Oklahoma, Pawnee, OK.

8. Discuss, consider and possible action to accept a bid on the abatement demolition on property located at Lots 13 & 14 2.00 Lots, Block 35, PAW OT (304 Elm), City of Pawnee, Pawnee County, State of Oklahoma, Pawnee, Ok.

10. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

11. Consider Council Members’ Reports, Mayor’s Report, and Department Reports.

12. Adjourn.


Pawnee Public Works Authority

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, October 3rd, 2022

Time: 6:15 p.m. (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)

Place: City Hall

To be completed by person filing notice:

Name: Brad Sewell

Title: Chairman

Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058

Phone: 918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on the 30th day of September, 2022 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: ____________________________, Mayor


1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.

2. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular PPWA purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Public Works Authority such as bond funds, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, note payments, etc.

4. Consider appearances from the public.

5. Proclamation declaring October 2nd-8th Public Power Week

6. Report and Discussion from PPWA Superintendent Travis Burch

7. Discuss, consider and possible action to approving purchase of 2015 FORD Utility Truck-Service Truck VIN#1FDBF2A63FEA04556 for an amount not to exceed $35,000.

8. Discuss, consider and possible action to approve Clifford Power quote # 00-24548 for $6,609.08 for work on the generator at the waste water treatment plant.

9. Discuss, consider and possible action to apply for the Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Rural Infrastructure Grant.

10. Discussion and possible action to apply for payment for Red’s Energy Services from ODOT Construction Project #STP-159A (034) UT J/P #20314 (06) Utilities, for US-64 Utility Relocations-Water in the amount of $29,727.75 as specified on ODOT form 324a.

11. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

12. Consider Trustees’ Reports, Chairperson’s Report, and Department Reports.

13. Adjourn.


Pawnee Industrial Authority

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, October 3rd, 2022

Time: 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the Pawnee Public Works Authority meeting)

Place: City Hall

To be completed by person filing notice:

Name: Alice Cottle

Title: Chairman

Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058

Phone: 918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on the 30th day of September, 2022 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: ____________________________, Mayor


1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.

2. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular Industrial Authority purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Industrial Authority.

4. Consider appearances from the public.

5. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve the terms and provisions of the Special Warranty Deed to Diamond R Industries, including restrictive covenants and boundary of driveway easement

6. Discuss, consider, and take action to enter executive session regarding discussing on J&J Custom Fire lease 1300 Sewell Drive building. Pursuant to Title 25 Section 307 C 11: Executive session by a public trust for purposes of conferring on matters pertaining to economic development, including the transfer of property, financing, or the creation of a proposal to entice a business to remain or to locate within their jurisdiction if public disclosure of the matter discussed would interfere with the development of products or services or if public disclosure would violated the confidentiality of the business.

7. Discuss, consider and possible action to enter into a lease agreement with J and J Custom Fire.

5. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

6. Consider Trustees’ Reports, Chairperson’s Report, and Department Reports.

7. Adjourn.

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