Pawnee City Council
Regular Meeting
Date: MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2021
Time: 6:00 P.M. Place: City Hall
City official filing notice: Name: Tom Briggs Title: Mayor
Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058 Phone: 918.762.2110
Posted at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd Day of April, 2021 and filed in the office of the City Clerk
Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Invocation and Flag Salute
3. Call the roll of members, and establish a quorum is present.
4. Consider appearances from the public.
5. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting for March 15, 2021.
6. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the General Fund purchase order list including but not limited to any purchase orders associated with the General Fund such as 911, Street and Alley, Flag, Donation, grant expenditures, etc.
7. Discussion and possible action to review and process bids to have the brush that was generated by the October 2020 Ice Storm located at Lincoln Park, Pawnee, OK to be chipped and removed within 45 days or sooner.
8. Discussion and possible action to enter into a second amended service agreement between the City of Pawnee and the Noble County Ambulance District as set forth in the attached service agreement.
9. Discussion and possible action to give Spears Furniture permission to remove an existing tree located in front of their business and replace with a lighted Spears Furniture sign.
10. Discussion and possible action to purchase pump and equipment for fire truck FD-46 which consists of pump, primer, shipping and crating.
11. Discussion and possible action to set a date for the citywide Spring Cleanup.
12. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.
13. Consider Council Members Reports, Mayor’s Report, and Department Reports.
14. Take action to adjourn.
Pawnee Public Works Authority
Regular Meeting
Date: MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021
Time: 6:15 P.M. (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)
Place: City Hall
To be completed by person filing notice:
Name: Tom Briggs
Title: Chairman
Address: 510 Illinois Pawnee, OK 74058
Phone: 918.762.2110
Posted at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd Day of April, 2021 and filed in the office of the City Clerk
Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk
1. Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.
2. Consider appearances from the public.
3. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting for March 15, 2021.
4. Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular PPWA purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Public Works Authority such as bond funds, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, note payments, etc.
5. Discussion and possible action concerning repairing the three leaks in the standing pipe of the main water tower. Repairs will consist of welding steel plates over leaks. Please see attached bids and spreadsheet.
6. Discussion and possible action to let bid, US 64 Utility Relocation Contract One-Water Main Relocation Bid Tabulation and Recommendation Per Wall Engineering to Red’s Energy Services LLC of Poteau, OK in the amount of $256,556.00 (See Attachments).
7. Discussion and possible action to let bid, US64 Utility Relocation Contract Two-Sewer Main Relocation Bid Tabulation and Recommendation Per Wall Engineering Creek Construction LLC, of Skiatook, OK in the amount of $759,780.00 (See Attachments).
8. Discussion and action on any new business. New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.
9. Consider Trustees Reports, Chairman’s Report, and Department Reports.
10. Take action to adjourn.