Agendas–March 1, 2021


Pawnee City Council

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021

Time: 6:00 P.M.  Place:  City Hall

City official filing notice:   Name: Tom Briggs Title: Mayor

Address:    510 Illinois      Pawnee, OK  74058  Phone:    918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. on the 26th Day of February, 2021 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk


1.         Call meeting to order.

2.         Invocation and Flag Salute

3.         Call the roll of members, and establish a quorum is present.

4.         Consider appearances from the public.

  5.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting for February 1, 2021. (Note:No minutes for February 16, 2021 meeting cancelled)

6.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the General Fund purchase order list including but not limited to any purchase orders associated with the General Fund such as 911, Street and Alley, Flag, Donation, grant expenditures, etc.

7.         Discussion and possible action to purchase fireworks for the 4th of July in the amount of $5,000.00. (Note: $1,000.00 will be given back to the city via Pawnee Chamber of Commerce/GRDA)

8.         Consideration, discussion and possible action to apply for final payment in the amount of $11,802.37 from ODOT ($86,295.38 + 11,802.37 = $98,097.75 of which $86,295.38 has been requested from ODOT) which is for utility Project STP 259B (037) UT J/P 29692 (06) utilities, the remaining portion of the change order for Sunrise Construction.

9.         Discussion and possible action to concerning agreement by and between the City of Pawnee and Pawnee Summer Ball Association for period of March – July 2021 as set forth in the amount of $3,000.00.

10.       Discussion and possible action to approve the letter to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for an extension to close out CIP Grant. (Note: we tried to close this out from the website as instructed by COEDD, it would not let us close because we had gone past the closeout date, this will extend the close out date and give us the window to close this grant out)

11.       Discussion and possible action for power of attorney for Linda Bourn from Bourn & Associates to have access for IRS transcripts of the PPWA payroll reports which is needed to reconcile payments and payroll reports to see if there were overpayments made. (Note: Matt Devlin has Okayed this request)

12.       Discussion and possible action to consider changing the procedures for paying the officers of the Pawnee Police Department.  To adjust the overtime calculation rules for the police officers to comply with the special labor rules of Section 3(s)(1)(C) of the FLSA.  This rule allows the City of Pawnee to adjust the overtime calculation rules for police officers to comply with the special labor rule of Section 3(s)(1)(C) of FLSA.  The rule allows the City of Pawnee to adjust the overtime calculation of police officers – those defined as “employees who are empowered by State or local ordinance to enforce laws designed to maintain peace and order, protect life and property, and to prevent and detect crimes; who have the power to arrest; and who have undergone training in law enforcement” or what may be referred to as “keepers of the peace.” This ordinance does not impact any other employees in the City of Pawnee including firefighters, animal control officers, or dispatchers.  The City of Pawnee will adopt this rule to be effective for all hours worked on or after July 4, 2021, without         exception. (Posted in the employee manual handbook)

13.       Discussion and possible action to consider making it a city policy to pay city employees for the time worked and overtime as set forth by federal and state payroll and overtime rules. (40 hours at regular time, over 40 hours at overtime rate in a pay period, and to be posted in the employee manual handbook)

14.       Discussion and possible action to remove the option of “CALL OUT PAY” for city employees and to be posted in the employee manual handbook.

15.       Discussion and possible action to remove the option of “BLENDED OVERTIME” calculations and to be posted in the employee manual handbook.

16.       Discussion and possible action to clarify the ambulance run policy where a city employee who is on the city clock must clock out in order to go on an ambulance runs and be paid a different rate of pay then is now allowed. (Please see proposed rate exhibit A)

17.       Discussion and possible action to clarify the fire run policy where a city employee who is on the city clock must clock out in order to go on a fire run.

18.       Discussion and possible action to propose for multiple-jurisdiction with District 10 for major crime task force with the City of Pawnee.

19.         Discussion and action on any new business.  New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

20.       Consider Council Members Reports, Mayor’s Report, and Department Reports.

21.       Take action to adjourn.


Pawnee Public Works Authority

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY MARCH 1, 2021

Time:  6:15 P.M.  (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)

Place:  City Hall

To be completed by person filing notice:

Name: Tom Briggs

Title: Chairman

Address: 510 Illinois   Pawnee, OK  74058

Phone: 918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. on the 26th Day of February, 2021 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk


1.         Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.

2.         Consider appearances from the public.

3.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting for February 1, 2021.

4.         Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular PPWA purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Public Works Authority such as bond funds, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, note payments, etc.

5.         Discussion and action on any new business.  New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

6.         Consider Trustees Reports, Chairman’s Report, and Department Reports.   

7.         Take action to adjourn.


Pawnee Industrial Authority

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021  

Time:  6:15 P.M.  (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)

Place:  City Hall

To be completed by person filing notice:

Name: Tom Briggs

Title: Chairman

Address: 510 Illinois   Pawnee, OK  74058

Phone: 918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. on the 26th Day of February, 2021 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk


1.         Call meeting to order.

2.         Consider appearances from the public.

3.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting from September 21, 2020.

4.         Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order lists.

5.         Discuss, consider, and take action to enter executive session regarding discussion on pending lease agreement with TechTrol Inc.  Pursuant to Title 25 Section 307b4:  Confidential communications between a public body, and its attorney.  Concerning a pending investigation, claim, or action if the public body, with the advice of its attorney, determines that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation, litigation, or proceeding in the public interest. 

6.         Consideration, Discussion and action on lease agreement with TechTrol. Inc. located at 1310 Sewell Drive.

7.         Discussion and action on any new business.  New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

8.         Consider Trustees Reports, Chairman’s Report, and Department Reports

9. Take action to adjourn.

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