Agendas- October 19, 2020


Pawnee City Council

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2020

Time: 6:00 P.M.  Place:  City Hall

City official filing notice:   Name: Tom Briggs Title: Mayor

Address:    510 Illinois      Pawnee, OK  74058  Phone:    918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on the 16th Day of October, 2020 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk


1.         Call meeting to order.

2.         Invocation and Flag Salute

3.         Call the roll of members, and establish a quorum is present.

4.         Consider appearances from the public.

 5.          Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous meeting for October 5, 2020.

6.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the General Fund purchase order list including but not limited to any purchase orders associated with the General Fund such as 911, Street and Alley, Flag, Donation, grant expenditures, etc.

7.         Discussion and possible action to select audit firm to do the 2020 Audit (for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020) for the City of Pawnee.

8.         Discussion and possible action concerning Ordinance #1168, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7.136 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE PAWNEE CITY CODE PROVIDING FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION FEES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (To increase trash rates as a pass through of 3% as increased for the city by Republic and that 3%, is to be added to rates the city charges its customers). SEE ATTACHMENTS IN THE PACKETS.

9.         Discussion and possible action concerning renewing the Service agreement with   Municipal Code Management in the amount of $1,500.00 to maintain and update the City   of Pawnee Municipal Codes.

  • Update our Municipal Code and Ordinances
  • Print updated version of Municipal Codes/Ordinances for our required locations
  • Keep the website updated with our Municipal Code as new Ordinances are approved so we can link to it from our website to view latest version of Municipal/Ordinances
  • In 2 years we will receive updated printed copies for codification

10.       Discussion and possible action to replace approximately 8,769 square feet of roofing at city hall to repair damage from hail and storms.

11.       Discussion concerning COVID-19 and possible ways to mitigate the recent increase in positive test results.

12.       Discussion and action on any new business.  New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

13.       Consider Council Members Reports, Mayor’s Report, and Department Reports.

14.       Take action to adjourn.


Pawnee Public Works Authority

Regular Meeting

Date: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2020  

Time:  6:15 P.M.  (or immediately following the Pawnee City Council)

Place:  City Hall

To be completed by person filing notice:

Name: Tom Briggs

Title: Chairman

Address: 510 Illinois   Pawnee, OK  74058

Phone: 918.762.2110

Posted at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. on the 16th Day of October, 2020 and filed in the office of the City Clerk

Signed: Tammy Todd, City Clerk


1.         Call meeting to order and take roll call of members.

2.         Consider appearances from the public.

3.         Discuss, consider, and take action to approve or reject the minutes of the previous

            meeting for October 5, 2020.

4.         Discussion and action to approve or reject the purchase order list which includes but is not limited to regular PPWA purchase orders and any other purchase orders associated with the Public Works Authority such as bond funds, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, note payments, etc.

5.         Discussion concerning utility billing as requesting by Gwendolyn Williams.  Topics of discussion (as per letter enclosed) are:          

  • Worrisome Exaggerated Electric Bills
  • Home Owners reading their own meters (this is usually related to dogs, locked gates or an unassailable meter)
  • Ballooning High Bills for 2 person home
  • Relief to the mounting bills that are burdening the people

6.         Discussion and action on any new business.  New business being defined as any business that was not provided in time to be put on the agenda.

7.         Consider Trustees Reports, Chairman’s Report, and Department Reports.   

8.         Take action to adjourn.

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